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Thanks you for your reply.




Dear fernandes, please understand the 1-D reinforcement bars only have axial stiffness and therefore, only a single component of stress (StressXX, Component 1) and strain (EpsX, Component 1). You can easily check in postprocessing which components have values in which elements before changing the monitor definitions.


Dear Sir,

I had a problem when I was obtained the results of beam modelation. In modelation I applied "strain monitoring point" in shear and flexural reinforcement bars, but the results of monitoring point in shear reinforcement is zero in all 200 steps. The stranger it´s already modeled 3 beam and the problem persist. So i have one question. For "strain monitoring point" in shear reinforcement I've choosed:
1) Type: value at integ. point
2) Value: Strain
3) Item: Component 3

and the point of "monitoring point" it is over reinforcement bars. is the "component 3" well choosed? Because we have six component options.

Thanks for your time