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Hello, please send us your GiD model (including the .inp file as written from ATENA-GiD and after your modifications) such that we can reproduce the issue on our computers.


I am using ATENA, GiD 9.0.6, Atena-GiD 9048, OS Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit.

I created a simple project in GiD containing several Fixed Contacts. When I tried to analyze it in AtenaStudio, I received this error message:

CCFEModelExc: List Desky_SLAVE_Interval1 with nodal loads/supports in load case support id: 30, load case id 1, name: LoadName Basic not defined.
Source line: 69, file: ..\..\Sources\CCSupport\check(CCMasterSlaveNodes).cpp, last modified at: Mon Oct 29 10:34:23 2012

After searching for a while I realized the problem is that there is a list of slave nodes missing in the *.inp file.

I tried to "downgrade" the project to Atena 4.3.1, where I had no problems creating contacts. With Atena-GiD 7434, I created new *.inp file of the same project. This file contained the list of all master and slave nodes in correct format. When I copy-pasted the list to *.inp file created for Atena5 and executed the analysis in AtenaStudio, everything worked fine. So I think the problem is just the *.inp file creation process.

The question is: Are there any changes in contact creation between Atena4 and Atena5 I should be careful about, or is it a problem of new Atena-GiD interface version? I hope I am not doing some stupid mistake, I remodelled the contact several times and I also remodelled the whole structure from the beginning, no effect.

I can send you the files if that helps.

Thanks for your help

Petr Bily