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Hello Filipe, there is no scripting support in ATENA Engineering 2D/3D. However, maybe our stochastic package SARA can help you - it can randomize models.

In ATENA Science, the Tcl and Basic scripts supported by GiD probably can be used to do what you wish.

A few users have already managed to do something very similar to what you intend by specially preparing an ATENA Input File (.inp) such that the geometry can easily be modified (using T3D mesh generator commands). If you decide to try this way, we should be able to send you some example model.



I'm going to start a parametric study on a concrete slab, and I'm searching for ways to decrease the amount of time needed to build several different models.

My question, is there the possibility of using some kind of programming language in Atena 3D (for example, like the APDL language in ANSYS) that will allow me to change geometry, loads, supports, etc.?

Cervenka Consulting Forums → ATENA → Parametic Analysis → Post new reply