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Hello Dhiaa, in the current ATENA 5.0.2 release, the imperial/american units are only available in the ATENA Science and ATENA Engineering 2D user environments. In ATENA Engineering 3D, the option should be (re-)enabled in the next release (ATENA 5.0.3). Until then, please convert the dimensions and material properties to metric units, or start with a 2-dimesional model.
If you like to try the 5.0.3 installation a few days before it is released to all users, please send us an email.



I want to use the imperial system units instead of the metric units. In the general structures parameters, the unit system is only metric and I cannot change it even the user manual says I can choose different units. I am using ATENA 3D Engr v5. Can you please explain how to change the units to imperial?

Cervenka Consulting Forums → ATENA → Units → Post new reply