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Sending models to our webmaster is not the recommended way (it usually takes a few days before he forwards emails intended for someone else). The already referred instructions in Troubleshooting include the general support email address - that is the right one for question, bug reports, etc.


Hi there,

I was not sure how to send the file to you. I sent it to petr.branis

Please have a look and let me know.



Hello, without seeing the models, we have no way to guess the reasons... Please send us both models following the instructions in ATENA Troubleshooting, 2.1.1 I have a problem not listed here.


Hi there,

I have two same models one with lower concrete compressive strength. The one with lower strength gives reasonable answer. However the one with higher strength interrupts due to "The execution is killed due to violation of stop iteration criteria". I checked the troubleshooting document but still doesn't make sense as the analysis for a stronger section does not converge for loads that the other model easily converged.

kind regards,