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1. Please make sure you are using the latest ATENA version, 5.0.3c - run the ATENA Update Check Utility to get it.

2. Is it not possible you are reading results calculated in another (older) version? If so, re-generate the mesh before working with the old model(s) in the new version (see also ATENA Troubleshooting, 2.1.36 It is not possible to read results created with version 1.2.3 and
older of the program).

3. If the problem persists, send us your model along with exact steps leading to the message (following the instructions from ATENA Troubleshooting 2.1.1 I have a problem not listed here), such that we can try to reproduce the issue on our computers.


Yes I actually just installed it on a new computer and it is giving me the same error. Thanks for the suggestion though.


Have you tried removing and reinstalling the program or can reboot your device. Sorry if I did not help matters.


I have been getting an error every time a model finishes running and I am going to the post-processing screen. It has occurred on a few different models and I did not see anything in the Troubleshooting Guide. The error is as follows:

An internal error has occured. Error identification follows:
- ID:   BsFastCollection.pas/TBsFastObjectList.RestoreReference - item out of collection/12
- Module: C:\PROGRA~2\CERVEN~1\AtenaV5\A3Post_1.dll

If possilbe, save the data immediately and exit the program. If you continued to work, you may obtain unexpected results.

I am running Atena Version 5 and have exited the program and it still continues, even with different models.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you