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Topic review (newest first)


In our current development version, 5.0.3f, there is a new monitoring option "Monitor_for_*_Nearest_IP" - write us an email to get the download link and you can test it.


I have designed my specimen by Atena program and am currently working out to do the same using GiD. So my specimen contains concrete block + Adhesive layer in the top + another CFRP laminate comes over the adhesive. So when I used Atena I created microelements for all of layers above and it was easy to attach any monitoring point. However I'm struggling to find out how the way I could create these monitoring points in GiD. The divide line method and make a point in the middle is not working with me because I need to attach several monitoring points in various locations. So please I need your advice with many thanks.

Melbourne - AUS