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Dear sasmalsap1, please send us an email explaining the differences of your constitutive models compared to the NLCem2 material model included in ATENA. If just adjusting the NLCem2 parameters can not give the expected response, you can define a NLCem2User material, see ATENA Troubleshooting, "2.2.4 I want to use the user-defined stress-strain law of concrete to replace that used in ATENA program. How can I do it?" If even that is not enough, you can prepare you own dynamic link library defining the material response (see the User Material DLL manual). The current versions of all ATENA manuals are available from our web (Products - ATENA - Documentation).


We at CSIR-SERC, Chennai, India, are working on seismic response of structures/structural components.

When we are performing a numerical simulation of behaviour of structure/component under cyclic loading, we could be able to incorporate (input) the cyclic model for reinforcement. Recently, through experimental investigations, we have developed the cyclic constitutive models for concrete under compression and tension (separately). How can we incorporate the models in the concrete material modelling in ATENA.

Your kind suggestions will be greatly help us.