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Thanks very much for your quick response.


Hello Roya,
ad 1) to add a monitor into a graph, you really need to wait until values are available in it. However, I think you should be able to store the graph settings and then read it when starting the analysis next time (even before the values are available).

Ad 2) Yes, please see ATENA Troubleshooting, 2.2.20 How can I see the numerical values of monitors and export them into a spreadsheet? And, of course, you can also create a graph in the ATENA Studio Postprocessor (i.e., not only in Runtime).



I am using ATENA 3D to create my model and ATENA Studio to run and post-process. The model consists of 2 construction cases. The monitors are assigned to macroelements that are associated with the second construction case which is not present until step 7 of 120.
In order to plot the load-deflection diagram using the monitoring points, I need to select the monitoring points through the "New Diagram" command in the running window. However, because the monitoring points are not available until step 7, I need to wait to display the monitors. My questions are:

1) Is there a way to avoid waiting, until the analysis reaches the step where the monitors are physically present, to create the plot? I understand that the monitoring points may not be recording anything until the step were they are actually created.

2) Is there a way to obtain the monitoring point values after the analysis is complete if I did *not* plot the diagram during the analysis and I had saved only *some* of the analysis steps? I had assumed that the monitoring points would continuously record values which I can obtain later, but I am not sure how to do this.

Thank you,
