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Topic review (newest first)


Dear Hugo, this is a known issue of ATENA 5.3.2, please see
for more information. You also have a link to download the version we are now testing, 5.3.2b, in your email.




I have been using ATENA software since its 2nd version and I always used interface model available in it with no problems. Recently, I made an update of my ATENA version from ATENA v4.3.1.g to ATENA v5.3.2. I am trying to simulate a statically indeterminate RC beam with two spans with two different interfaces but when I try to run the model the following message appears and the model doesn't even starts:

"CCFEModelExc: Invalid element_node_id: 1005 specified, in element id: 1000001, group id: 743964680, name: VOLUME 1 SURFACE 2 to VOLUME 15 SURFACE 88"

I do not know if it is also important but before that message, a pop-up error message also appears with an error like "thread 1" followed by the same message and with the additional information "Source line 46, file:..\..\Sources\CCElement\check(CCElement).cpp, last modified at: Fri May 22 15:29:05 2015".

Can you provide me a solution for this problem? Is it a bug of this version? If so, any suggestion(s) that I have to follow in order to avoid this error?

Thank you in advance,
Hugo Biscaia