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Dear Edgar,
I see no answer about what you see when you display Crack Width?

Please send us your model etc. following Troubleshooting, 2.1.1.


Thanks for your fast answer Dobromil,

I am using Atena 3Dand the "3D non linear cementitious 2" material type.
In the post-processor  I checked the 3d layer for the deformed and undeformed shape but the options for visualizing the cracks are not available to modify. During the analysis no cracks appear even though according to the loads I prescribe the  compresión force in z direction is enough to get tensile failure in x and y directions (my model is a simple cube loaded with precribed deformation just in z direction, the deformation is compresive). I also tried increasing the axial deformation to very high levels to see the cracks but they never apper (not during the analysis or in the post processor.
I modified the Gf and tensile behavior in order to be able to provoque cracks easier but they don`t appear. The material reaches the peak point and also goes into the softening zone after peak.


Dear Edgar,
it is not clear from your question

1. if you have enabled crack display following the User's Manual corresponding to the ATENA GUE you work with (Engineering 3D, Engineering 2D, ATENA Science/ATENA Studio)?

2. If you have checked the Crack Width (COD) or Crack Attributes, displayed using a colour scale, or output as text?

If you can not find the explanation, please send us your model etc. following ATENA Troubleshooting, 2.1.1.



Cervenka Consulting,

I am staring to use the program and performing the simulation of simple cubes of concrete under axial compresive load. When I test it the the graph stress strain seems to be correct (it reaches the peak load at expected deformation and softens after that) but no cracks appear at all. I have been reading the theory and changing the material parameters which influence it  but still  I don´t find out why the cracks are not appearing.

Thank you in advance.
Edgar Ruiz