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Hello, before trying to play with the min. crack spacing, I suggest you send us your model etc. following Troubleshooting, 2.1.1 such that we can check it for possible issues.


Thanks for the help, I was wondering if there is any documentation on this parameter. My models seem to be pretty sensitive to the input and I wanted to read up to see what would make for an appropriate input value. Thanks.


It looks like this option is not yet documented in the manuals... the corresponding keyword should be
and it should be used analogically to CRACK_SPACING in the material definition.


Thanks for the reply, I now now how to manually edit the text file, but I still am not sure where to insert the code to set the Crack_Minimum_Spacing. I would assume it would be within the Non Linear Cementitious 2 material definition, but if you have the line of code which would execute that, that would solve my issue.


Hello, please see the ATENA 2D User's Manual, 5.3.5 Input File Editing and 6.3 Settings.



I am modeling some shear wall specimens and have been told to have smoother curve in the linear elastic range I can edit the Crack_minimum_spacing in the concrete material model. I have also been told that since this is experiemental, it is not yet in the graphical input of the material model, does anyone know how to directly edit this parameter and type it in to the input?

Thanks for the help!