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thank you for the complete information!


Dear smhzol,
as already explained, the Cem2SHCC material model is only supported from the ATENA-GiD user interface of ATENA.
The main reason is that this is a special model designed for specific plastic fibers. In other words, when someone asks about this material, in 98% cases, he or she just needs the Cem2User material model, which is directly available from both ATENA Science and Atena Engineering (2D, 3D).
Please see ATENA Troubleshooting, 2.2.3 How can I model Fibre Reinforced Concrete (FRC, UHPC, SHCC) in ATENA? for basic advice about modelling fibre reinforced concrete (and similar materials) in ATENA.

Moreover, please note that for Cem2SHCC, you need to manually define all the user functions as for Cem2User (see Troubleshooting, 2.2.4 I want to use the user-defined stress-strain law of concrete to replace that used in ATENA program. How can I do it? for details), except for the Shear (which is defined based on the plastic fibre properties and amount).


Thank your response, I have sent you the .inp file.

Can you please tell me if it is normal that in Atena3D v5 the "CC3DNonLinCementitious2SHCC"  is not listed in material types while for example "CC3DNonLinCementitious2" is listed?
Is there a problem with installation of it is the limitation of Demo version?


Hello, please send me your model to cervenka @,

SHCC material is only in ATENA Science, but you can manually change the material in the inp, so you can calculate it in ATENA3D as well.


Dear Madam/Sir,

I am trying to check the possibility of modeling the fiber reinforced concrete using CC3DNonLinCementitious2SHCC in demo version.

I face two issues:
1- I couldn't find the CC3DNonLinCementitious2SHCC in material types of Atena3D v5.
2- While running .inp file with Atena Studio v5, the software crashes while it works with other material models e.g. CC3DNonLinCementitious2.

Can you please help me with these two issues.

thank you in advance,