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Topic review (newest first)


If you use local mesh refinement for the surrounding volume, please set the mesh size for the reinforcement line to about the same size.

If you have no local refinement for the surrounding volume = the global mesh size is to be used for both the volume and the reinforcement, please send your model + screenshots illustrating the situation.


Thank you for the response. However, when I don't assign number of division to circular ties, despite the finer concrete mesh around them, the circular ties will become triangle after GiD mesh. However, if I assign let's say 10 divisions, they will look more like circle after the meshing process. Is this something you would recommend?


Dear erahmani,
ad 1. yes, of course. Just don't assign Number of Divisions 1 like for straight reinforcement lines (and let GiD mesh the lines such that the shape is approximated appropriately with respect to the mesh of the surrounding volume).

Ad 2.: I would look at the load introduction used in reality and probably include some of the parts holding+turning one end in your model (with elastic material).



I am modeling a cylindrical column with longitudinal and tie reinforcement in GiD interface. I had a couple a questions:

1. Is it possible to model the tie reinforcement using circular lines and truss elements?

2. What is the best way to apply torsion to the column top surface?