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Dear Jaspreet kaur,
I assume you have already checked ATENA Troubleshooting, 2.4.2 I get the message "The execution is killed due to violation of stop iteration criteria", what does it mean?, 2.4.1 Out of memory error during ATENA analysis, and 2.4.6 Floating point problems - Division by zero, Loss of >7 digits on the matrix diagonal, CCFEModelExc: CCPardiso solver error: zero pivot,  Warning: Sign of diagonal changed when reducing equation, Floating point exception: Multiple floating points traps, Zero or negative jacobian,  InvertA: zero determinant, CCMaterials Extended AExc: CC5ParamYield F: project_stress_on_f_division by zero, and similar.

Please run the ATENA Update Check utility to download the current ATENA installer (or make sure you are using the latest version).

If the problem persits, please follow ATENA Troubleshooting, 2.1.1 to send us your model etc.



I want to model a steel cantilever beam having point load. But when i run the analysis it gives access violation error at adress 02AFA3F4 in module  'CCFEmodel.DDl'. Please help me to remove this error.

with regards
Jaspreet kaur