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Topic review (newest first)
Dear MuhendisAus,
it is not clear from your question if you have already read ATENA-GiD User's, 5.3.6 Interface Material?
I don't get from your sketch not the text what is the circle - I thought that is just marking a plan blow-out picture, but then talking about an unintended gap maked no sense?
If you wish advice on modelling your geometry, I suggest you first explain what you are modelling and what is the purpose/target of your analysis (including sketches/photos, see also Troubleshooting, 2.1.1).
I have been learning how to use GiD and Atena recently and I have now faced my first problem. I was hoping someone could take a look and advise:
1. I have two parts, a blue part and a green part.
2. The green part bites in the blue part as the green part is pulled (in real life).
3. I can model the components of the blue section but when I to create the outer diameter I obtain a gap (red).
How do I eliminate this gap and create a section that fits the inside green part?
Here is a link to the image: