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Thank you dpryl, for your useful advice! I will try as you recommended.


Dear Bikip, there are 2 basic solutions with ATENA:

A. Include the previous phase when the cracks develop in your model. This usually gives the best results (if one manages to reproduce the pre-crack pattern reasonably).

B. Represent the pre-crack with Interface elements.

In your particular case, A. involves a volume with applied expansion (positive initial strain) representing the corroding reinforcement, or the reinforcement+some concrete volume around it (to keep element sizes comparable within the model).

If you are interested in more detailed advice, please follow ATENA Troubleshooting, 2.1.1 to send us sketches+explanation of your planned analysis.



Hi everyone,
I am working with corroded RC beams with pre-cracks induced by corrosion process. The pre-cracks run along main bars, 0.3mm in width. My question is that How to simulate pre-cracked RC beams in Atena?
Thank you in advance,