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Dear salam.a.alrubaye,
please see Troubleshooting, 2.4.1 Out of memory error during ATENA analysis and also the tips in 2.2.17 The analysis runs too long. How can I speed it up? 



I run model and then I get this error
(Thread 1) CCFEModelExc: CCPardiso solver error: not enough memory in phase 12.
Source line: 107, file: ..\..\Sources\CCGlobalMatrix\CCPardisoSparseMatrix\CCPardisoSparseMatrix_ComDef.cpp

And then I changed the mesh size from 0.5 into 0.75 in and then I run it and it work fine
Then I change the displacement from 0.001 into 0.1 in And I get the same error again.

I have checked 2.4.6 2.4.4 2.4.5 in Troubleshooting Manual.

Why is that happen?
Thank you