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Dear nicolas.schoeneweiss,
without seeing your model (ATENA Troubleshooting, 2.1.1), I can only recommend to read ATENA Troubleshooting, 2.1.13 A monitoring point shows no value, the program gives me an error on reading a monitor value.
Or guess that maybe you have positioned your Monitoring Point such that the IP nearest to it belongs to the reinforcement (adjust the position a bit and see if it makes any difference; note ATENA 2D displays the IP actually recorded, connecting it to the Monitoring Point with a dashed line).




I'm having problems to display the crack width with Monitoring Points.

The four-point bending test is modeled in ATENA 2D and has a reinforcement at the bottom of the beam. The beam is made of concrete.
I have set a new Monitoring Point and set the location on "Integration Points" and give it the value "Crack_Width". But when I start analyzing the program does not show me the crack width.

I hope you can help me.