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Topic review (newest first)
Dear Jia, if you are interested in seismic assesment following Euro Code, indeed AmQuake is the first option to be considered.
For other cases, other options are recommended in 2.2.13. If you are not sure, send us more information about your problem to be modelled (Troubleshooting, 2.1.1) such that we can help you find a way of modelling.
Dear dpryl, the solution in troubleshooting is using AmQuake. But if I prefer to use ATENA GiD, which material is preferred to be used? Concrete or soil-brick?
Kind regard,
Dear Jia, please see Troubleshooting, 2.2.13 How can I model masonry? for basic related information.
Hi, is there any method to set a masonry material?
Kind regard,