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I wouldn't recommend you to define low tensile strength of concrete to misuse it as an interface. I would insistently recommend you to learn how to use interfaces instead.

I will give you just one example. Once I wanted to justify results of Idea Statica Detail and modeled the same beam in ATENA 2D (but Atena Science). The results were quite far from each other because Idea doesn't consider concrete working for tension at all. Hence, I just defined smth like 0.1 Mpa tensile strength in ATENA expecting similar results with Idea. But I was dissapointed with the result since no one iteration was converged. I don't know the built-in mathematics in the very detail, but I know that ATENA constitutive concrete model account for lots of effects which are related to each other. If you just reduce artificially the tensile strength then most probably you get wrong results.

I know that interfaces are not easy to use but I am afraid you have no other choice.

Good luck and sorry for not helping with meshing at all smile



I am trying to model low rise wall behavior, matching monotonic and cyclic analyses to cyclic experimental data up to peak load.

To do so, I am looking into using different material models if different regions of the wall. Specifically, near the wall to foundation interface, I would like to make the first row of elements concrete with very low tension strength, to capture the interface opening that was observed, without incorporating the complexities of an interface model. What I would like to to do is assign this different concrete model to the first "row" of elements above the interface. Is there a way to tell a subsection of elements within a macroelement to have different concrete properties?

I have also tried to do this by creating two macroelements, but have had issues with the automatic meshing creating two rows of elements, which have poor aspect ratio, instead of just one. Is there a way to have better control over this mesh definition in ATENA 2D? Other than just element size and smooth element shapes?
