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Topic review (newest first)
Dear dpryl,
Thank you for your very useful feedback. Yes, this is exactly what I am looking for.
Massive thanks.
dpryl wrote:Dear msmeleven,
just and additional note: in ATENA Engineering 3D, it is also possible to replace reinforcement or reinforcement bond material with another through Topology - Reinforcement bars - Selected - Edit.
Thank you for your reply.
pavlo wrote:If you have a unique bond type then all you need to do is to change Bond material in "Materials". Hence, it will be updated for all bars with this specific bond type.
Besides, it would be more difficult if you use ATENA Science but in ATENA 3D it is quite simple.
Dear msmeleven,
just and additional note: in ATENA Engineering 3D, it is also possible to replace reinforcement or reinforcement bond material with another through Topology - Reinforcement bars - Selected - Edit.
If you have a unique bond type then all you need to do is to change Bond material in "Materials". Hence, it will be updated for all bars with this specific bond type.
Besides, it would be more difficult if you use ATENA Science but in ATENA 3D it is quite simple.
I am using ATENA 3D to do parametric study.
I have 60 reinforcement bars with a bond material. I want to replace the current bond material with another one.
Is there any way to change bond material for all reinforcement bars at once? instead of changing the properties to each bar individually or erasing the current bars and create new bars.
Thank you.