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Hi Filbert,

yes you should basically follow the same procedure. The best would be to use Reinforced concrete material where you can model the various layers by additional smeared reinforcements that can be applied in various directions as needed. Alternatively you can use the shell element and again add the fiber matrix as reinforcement layers inside the 2D shell element.
Regards Jan


I am now trying to model Half-joint beams strengthened with multiple layers of CFRP sheet on ATENA-GiD (ATENA Studio). I have followed the procedure step-by-step on Youtube and ATENA program documentation for strengthening. I want to ask a few questions :

1. How do we model multiple layers of CFRP sheet? Is that procedure is same as the ATENA documentation?
In my mind, because ATENA documentation only modeled 1 layer of Sikawrap, 1 layer of Wrap Surface, and 1 Layer of Wrap Interface, so we need to copy those layers and rename them into Sikawrap layer 2, Wrap Surface layer 2, and Wrap Interface Layer 2? and then define fix contact between Wrap surface layer 2 and SikaWrap Layer 1. After that, make interface contact (volume) between sikawrap layer 2 and Wrap Surface layer 2. Is my assumption correct?

2. I have defined the contact-volume as interface (material) and how do I know the failure mode? (e.g FRP Rupture or FRP Debonding)

3. How do we model FRP Sheet with sloped fibers direction? 

I am looking forward to hear your response and suggestion.
Thank you

Best regards,
Fillbert Njoko