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Thank You very much Jan.
As for the 2024 version of ATENA Engineering, I've been trying to run the same analysis, a linear finite element analysis considering the linear behavior of the material (concrete without reinforcements) under constant load till cracking. I have two options for material: I could select "Concrete", change the prototype for CCSBETAMaterial; or I could select "Elastic", "Material: Concrete". Which one would be the correct choice for the analysis?

As for the solution parameters, i chose "Newton-Raphson" - "Modified N-R"- "each step"- "elastic" - "iteration limit: 10" - "LU" - "Line Search without iterations".

As for tasks, i only took one step as you suggested. "Step multiplier: 1" - "Number of steps: 1" with load cases "supports "and "forces" activated.



Yes, just unselect the appropriate parameter in the Macroelement properties. Please note that ATENA updates also the coordinates after each step. This cannot be deactivated. The only way is to apply the load in a single step.


Is it possible to run a linear analysis in ATENA 2D Engineering, without considering the nonlinear geometry? I wish to use only the LU Solver, with no iterative method (NR or AL), just direct method.