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JanCervenka wrote:

Hello, well in the history of your monitoring point you should have the displacement before the load application and after. So the best way is to paste your monitorng data into Excell and make the corresponding math operations there.
This is maybe what you are doing now, but this is the only way.

Thanks for the information. In this case i will continue like this.


Hello, well in the history of your monitoring point you should have the displacement before the load application and after. So the best way is to paste your monitorng data into Excell and make the corresponding math operations there.
This is maybe what you are doing now, but this is the only way.



I just wanted to ask if it is possible to monitor the deflactions in a single loadstep?
In the experiment we only measured the deflection during the loading and not the self weight of the structure. I always correct the results but it would be nice to be able to meassure the deflection only for the load case where i load the structure.
Sadly i dont know how to do so.
I am thankfull for every hint or advice.

best wishes, Patrick