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Thank you for your reply.

I have reconstructed the model from scratch, but encounter exactly the same problems.
I sent a link to the zip file containing this model to cervenka (at) cervenka (dot) cz, hoping you will be able to find the problem.

The file is approximately 24MB and I can't send it through regular email.
If you wish I deliver the files to you through another online medium, I will be glad to do so.

Best regards,
Ruben Van Coile


Dear Mr. van Coile, it is hard to tell the problem source without seeing your model. Have you checked if the files being reported do exist? We recomend NOT using spaces or special characters in file and directory names (i.e., only using 26 letters, 10 digits, and underscore) - sometimes, problems can arise in tranfering the names between GiD, Windows, and ATENA.



I started working with Atena just recently and am now following the Atena-Science GiD Tutorial step by step.
(GiD 10.0.8 and Atena upgraded from 4.2.7 to 4.2.7g)
During the calculations in AtenaWin, the subsequent results are visualized.

After the calculations have finished, I close the AtenaWin windows while saving all data.
Returning to GiD I press the Postprocess button, after which a popup appears reading "(file).post.res not found"; "no results are read"
(where (file) is the filename I give to the example)
Then I try to push the button in the postprocessor to import results from AtenaWin to GiD... Again the same "post.res not found" appears, but this time the importing process with the DOS screen starts.
Once this is finished however, another popup appears saying "sorry, but couldn't find the Mesh information file 'view.msh' or '-bon' or '-dat'.

I have repeated the process several times and continue to have these same problems.
Do you know what the problem is?

Best regards,
Ruben Van Coile