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Cervenka Consulting Forums → ATENA → .ixt file → Post new reply

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I recommend to use our stochastic package SARA (with ATENA Engineering, limited to randomizing material parameters and some geometry) or RLACS (with ATENA Science, not yet the final release version).

To change the coordinates of volume elements (in 3D, surface elems. in 2D), a user in Portugal has done this by preparing a special .inp file manually. The problem is that in normal .inp or .ixt files, there are already mesh nodes, but you have to modify the geometry coordinates before meshing (otherwise, some elements will have bad shapes or will be turned "inside-out" unless the coordinate shifts are kept very small). The solution is to prepare a special inp. file where the mesh is replaced by mesh generator commands.

If you are a bit familiar with programming in BASIC, you might also write a script in GiD to prepare a set of models with the desired modifications.


I'm making a parametrical study of a concrete beam with changing cross section. So i would like to import coordinates from another program, since the coordinates of the geometry can be even 44. The task of changing geometry I can deal it with .ixt files easier than .inp. But it seems that I have to create a file first in GID and then export it in .ixt mode and then insert it in Atena 3D.
My second task is to change material parameters,loads ,supports and reinforcement.
For the 2nd task how do you suggest me to work? By editing them through the .inp file? Is there maybe another way, especially for the reinforcement?


Dear Aleximos, you are right, in ATENA 3D, .ixt files can only be imported, not exported. Why do you wish to edit coordinates using another program?


I would like to ask,  if it is possible to export an ixt. file from Atena 3D? It seems to me that it is not and I can only import.
I want to do that so I can edit the coordinates of my model with the help of other program, like excel.
Which way do you suggest me to do so?

Cervenka Consulting Forums → ATENA → .ixt file → Post new reply