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Cervenka Consulting Forums → ATENA → Masonry modelling → Post new reply

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Hello, have you looked at the last converged step in the Postprocessor? If you do not see anything suspicious, please send us your model (without results, ZIPped, along with a description and your ATENA user ID/WR).



I’m trying to perform a pushover analysis for a masonry wall having the dimensions 2,5X2,5 m and to compare the result with the experimentally data. I modeled the bricks as macro-elements(3D non-linear cementitious) and the joints as 2D interfaces in Atena 2D software.

After dozen of analysis(consisting in variations of different parameters ,material properties, steps...) I still have the same problem :“The execution is killed due to violation of stop iteration criteria". I took into account the ATENA_Theory and Users_manual instructions but none of my model is satisfactory. The models have a displacement increment and I’m looking for the corresponding force. Before occurring this error the curve is pretty the same with that from experiments. From the test results the maximum displacement is 16 mm (my models stops at about 3mm ).

I look forward for your answer.

Cervenka Consulting Forums → ATENA → Masonry modelling → Post new reply