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Dear Robin, have you already looked into the article referred in the NLCem2 material shear description of the Theory Manual:
VECCHIO, F.J., COLLINS, M.P (1986)- Modified Compression-Field Theory for Reinforced Concrete Beams Subjected to Shear, ACI Journal, Proc. V.83, No.2, Mar-Apr., pp 219-231.

The factor of 20 is based on experiments of Walraven (if you can not find them, I suggest to start with references of the above mentioned article).


Hi there,

I'm am refereing to equation 2.47 of the ATENA theory manual, where it states: "sF is a shear factor coefficient that defines a relationship between the normal
and shear crack stiffness. The default value of sF  is 20."

How do we justify using the default value of 20? I have searched in various journal articles and cannot find any reference to shear factor coefficient values and what values are recommended. Do you have a reference for this information that I can use?

