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Cervenka Consulting Forums → ATENA → thin-walled sheeting → Post new reply

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Hello Josef, please understand that when using volume elements for regions under bending, at least 4 elements per thickness are needed (for qualitative-only results, more elements are needed for quantitative results; search the web for "shear locking" to get background info about related phenomena). I would recommend to use shell elements for the sheeting (see the manuals for details on using shells in ATENA). You can also read the suggestions (FAQ + Known Issues on our web, Troubleshooting Manual) related to FRP strengthening, as they contain answers and recommendations for a very similar situation, i.e., a thin layer in bending attached to a larger structural member.


I try to model a composite slab using thin-walled sheeting with embossments in Atena-GID.
The problem is how to model the thin-walled sheeting (1mm thickness). I need to see a deformation of the sheeting perpendicular to its plane. I use Steel VonMises 3D material and tetrahedra elements. But concrete block is deformed instead of the thin-walled sheeting during the calculation. The calculation is aborded due to violation of stop iteration criteria and the shape returns to its initial stage.
If there is a necessity to set up large deformations for calculation, then how to do it? Or how to set up the sheeting to be deformed?

Thank you in advance

Cervenka Consulting Forums → ATENA → thin-walled sheeting → Post new reply