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Hello, what is ITZ?

There is no scripting support in ATENA 3D. You can import a mesh (Edit - Insert IXT), either to directly use it for analysis, or just to define the geometry based on some of the imported point coordines.
I think you know trying to explicitly model the aggregates and interfaces to the matrix in 3D means you have to restrict your model to a very small area, otherwise, the mesh size (number of elements) quickly exceeds any reasonable limits?

Have you already tried the suggestions from previous threads, i.e., random fields or .cct, see or ?


Thanks for your reply. I only want to model the aggregate in concrete as a partical, and I have known the coordinate of centre of sphere and the radius,so I want to ask how to import these parameter in Atena 3D?
Also,I want to use the interface element to model the ITZ in concrete, so I want to define a bilinear softening curve for the tension and shear stress of the interface of aggregate and the matrix. And now I want to ask for the defination of the parameter of the interface for the model?


Hello, if you wish to work with curved surfaces, we generally recommend to use ATENA Science with GiD for pre- and postprocessing (and not ATENA Engineering 3D). However, if you explain what you are modelling, it is quite likely we can recommend a reasonable approximation of the sphere shape for your modelling + how to define it.

Similarly, for the interface material definition, please explain what kind of interface between which materials you need and we can advice how to model it.


I wonder how to define the geometry of ball in ATENA 3D? And also, that how to define the softening curve of the interface shear stress,especially about the shear displacement when the shear stress=0?
Thanks, and regards!