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Cervenka Consulting Forums → ATENA → Unstructured Mesh → Post new reply

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Thanks a lot for replay,
The reason for asking is we are using the demo version and
some times the software give us a message regarding the number of the nodes
and we want to check if we followed the right procedure and thanks a gain.


Dear yamancivil, yes, this is how to assign unstructured mesh sizes in GiD. Is there a specific reason why you ask about it?


Hi there...
Kindly , when a column have plates above and under it.

In case of unstructured mesh inorder to assign different element sizes , is this the right procedure for doing that?:-

Mesh > Unstructured > Assign sizes on Volumnes>

then we will have  a new window (Enter size to assign to volumes)

and for example enter 0.09 (i.e large elements for plates (Master)) and Assign for the top and bottom plates then ESC and

then the same window will appear (Enter size to assign to volumes)

for example enter 0.03 (i.e small elements for column (Slave)) and Assign for the column then ESC then Close.

Then Mesh > Generate Mesh.... or please it means we did a mistake? so please any feedback with our Kind regards.

Cervenka Consulting Forums → ATENA → Unstructured Mesh → Post new reply