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Topic review (newest first)
Dear ganini, without seeing your model, it is very hard to guess the problem source. Please check the boundary conditions (e.g., is it not possible you apply a fixed support on a surface, blocking rotations which are allowed in reality?). Then, please send us your model along with your ATENA User ID (WR), the L-D graphs, and a sketch and/or photo of the experimental setup. Also include the material info you have (measurements, manufacturer data, ...).
Dear software developer:
I have to simulate the reponse of a beam subjected to reversed cyclic loading. The beam is a steel reinforced concret beam or steel reinforced SHCC beam. But when I choose 3D Nolinear Cementitious2 to define ordinary concrete and 3D Nolinear Cementitious 2 user to define SHCC in ATENA 3D, I cannot get good results(load-deformation behavior, stiffness degration) compared to the test results. So, what should I do to choose a suitable material to simulate the cyclic behavior of concrete or SHCC under reversed cyclic loading? or can I solve the problem in other ways? Thank you!