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Topic review (newest first)
Dear TUMChris, for unbonded cables, the best way of modelling is typically "External Cable". For bonded ones, "Reinforced Bar" with bond. Usually, the error introduced by modelling the bond from the beginning (before applying the prestressing) is not large - I definitely recommend to proceed that way first, and only start considering more complicated options if there are problems (i.e., unrealistic bond damage due to prestressing).
Dear sir or madam,
i want to simulate a post tensioned concrete. How should I generate the "cables" - with a reinforcement bar, right? (or with external cables?)
And how can I model the different behaviour with respect to the ducts, the tensioning and then either
a) bonded by injecting concrete
or b) some adhesive
I'm using ATENA 3D Engineering.
Thanks for your support.