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Your version is very old (current version is ATENA 4.1.3) and not supported any more - I am not sure if it can run on Windows XP at all...
You may try to download the latest HASP drivers from
The recommended installation procedure is to install the drivers with the key NOT connected, i.e., disconnect the key, install the drivers, and then connect the key.

1 name is Salahuddin. I'm student in Gadjah Mada University Indonesia.
I try to install ATENA 2.1.9 with pre-processor GiD 7.4.4b and OS Windows XP Professional SP3. But when I plug in the keylock (HASP4 USB 1.33), my windows can detect that hardware but the indicator lamp is off, and request for file: aksusb.sys, so i can't continue my installation. What do I have to do to solve this problem?
