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Thank you~


Dear Teresa, please see the ATENA 2D User's Manual, section Results - Load step i - Elements - Crack attributes.


Dear Sir,
Can you explain to me the meaning of notations to quantify Element Crack Attributes in the output? I list the notations in the four tables: TBL.1/4, N. Cracks., Dim, N.attr., N1(1)(m), N1(2)(m),N1(3)(m), Size1(m);TBL.2/4, cod1(m),SigN1(MPa),SigT1(MPa),N2(1)(m),N2(2)(m),N2(3)(m), Size2(m);TBL.3/4, cod2(m), SigN2(MPa),SigT2(MPa),N3(1)(m),N3(2)(m),N3(3)(m), Size3(m);TBL.4/4, cod3(m),SigN3(MPa), SigT3(MPa). I can only find the meaning of cod1, cod2 and cod3 in ATENA theory, while other notations are unknown. I appreciate your explanation.


Dear Teresa,
the easiest way to visualize crack width is to select the Crack Opening Displacement (COD) for display.

Basically, there can be one crack in each element in each of the 3 principal directions. If the elements are small enough, some cracks localize and keep growing, others do not. For large elements, it can make sense to define Crack Spacing among the tensile NLCem2 material parameters.

For details, please read the section obout the Fracture-Plastic material model family (3D Nonlinear Cementitous 2 and related) in the ATENA Theory Manual.


Dear Sir,

I’d like to ask you how to interpret the crack information when using smear crack model. The crack width in smear crack model cannot have much meaning like crack opening in discrete crack model. I saw the reported information is the average crack width and crack number in literature when using smear crack model. But how to check this information in ATENA postprocess? I just know I can click “draw and label† crack in elements to show the cracks and their width, but this method is not easy and can’t know the number of cracks.
Thank you for your considering this question.
