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Dear Ioan, please make sure you are using the latest ATENA-GiD scripts (7434). In GiD 10.0.x, a message like this appears during importing the but the results from ATENA into GiD Post, but afterwards, the results are displayed normally. If this is too annoying, upgrade to GiD 11 where the issue is solved.



thank you for the quick answer. I managed to solve the problem; the file is running but after the analysis is complete I can´t read the results in GID. I got these two error messages when I select the post-process window:"Results file´´ not found" ; "No result read".

Best regards,



Dear Ioan,
ad 1: please follow section "4.2.4 GiD claims: You don't have assigned Material 0 at Element xxxx For first number of unassigned element see *.dat file" of the ATENA Troubleshooting Manual (included in the installation in PDF format and also available for separate download from our web).

ad 2: I recommend to make use of Layers in GiD. The functionality works the same way as in all CAD software packages - it allows to quickly enable/disable the entities in a layer for display (on/off, light bulb) or editing (lock/freeze - unlock/thaw).



I kindly ask you to help me with the following issues regarding the use of GID 10.0.8:

1. The file doesn't run in Atena V4 and returns the following error: 'You don't have assigned Material 0 at Element 2331'. How should I know which is the Element 2331? "Draw all material" icon represents the entire structure without any lack of elements.

2. How can I work in plane XY but at a different Z for each floor level. For example if I select some elements in order to modify them all the elements above them are selected.



Cervenka Consulting Forums → ATENA → error message → Post new reply