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Dear asfeiza, which way of modelling reinforcement is the most effective one depends not only on the profile and amount of the reinforcement and the concrete member around it, but also on the type of loading, etc. To give a general recommendation, use discrete bars. If there would be multiple bars of the same direction in a single element (e.g., because of large finite elements), or if there would be a lot of bars and where detailed modelling is not needed, it makes more sense to model them as smeared reinforcement.

For a typical beam under bending load or a plate (especially when modelled with shell elements), it frequently makes sense to model the longitudal bars as discrete reinforcement, and the stirrups as smeared reinforcement.


how many layer should i used if i have the shear link?
if i used R8 for shear link n Y12 for bar reinforce...what should i do?


Yes, in many cases it is enough to model the stirrups using smeared reinforcement. Just note that when using shell elements, only the in-plane reinforcements can be added.


Dear Sir,
is it legitimate to define the stirrups
of a beam, with smeared reinforcement?
Thank you.


Dear Irene, smeared reinforcement is a way of modelling the reinforcement (opposed to discrete bars), not a type of reinforcing.
Please see the section <em>4.3.2 Smeared reinforcement layers</em> of the ATENA Engineering 2D User's Manual.


Dear Sir, is smeared reinforcement similar to shear reinforcement or we known as shear link?