Topic: How to build skewed girder in ATENA


I want to simulate a girder. Normmally the cross-section is perpendicular to its horizontal axis.

However, what I want to simulate is a skewed girder, whose cross-section  has a 45 degree angle with its horizontal axis.  I tried it in ATENA, however, there is always interal error.

Could somebody kindly told me whether skewed angle girder canbe realized in ATENA?

Best wishes

Re: How to build skewed girder in ATENA

you are definitely NOT the first one to model a skewed girder in ATENA. It is not clear from your question:

1. which of the ATENA GUEs you are using - ATENA Engineering 2D, ATENA Engineering 3D, ATENA Science with GiD?

2. At which phase you get the error (geometry modelling, mesh generation, analysis, ...)?

Best regards.

Re: How to build skewed girder in ATENA


Thank you for quick reply. I use ATENA 3D to simulate the skewed girder.

The problem occurs during the geometry modelling, and the error is "the cross section is not a planar!" so cannot be gragged along a line.

Best wishes

Re: How to build skewed girder in ATENA

Hello, please see ATENA Troubleshooting, 3.3.8 Problems with nonplanar surfaces, joints not inside macroelements, etc. (I assume you have already checked the obvious = made sure the surfaces are planar).