Topic: Meshing and Loading

Dear All,

1) How I can refine my mesh to specific area, for instance, finer mesh closer to steel and coarser mesh beyond steel?

2) I am simulating four point bending test, applied same load on steel plates, but in L-D diagram both load have different behavior. In real case both load should be same, how I can enforce a condition that load always behave same.
Is it a right way, if I model a new steel plate above an existing two steel plates and apply a single load centrally ?


Re: Meshing and Loading

Dear hasnat1947,
1. it is not clear which of the ATENA programs you are using? Meshing somewhat differs between ATENA Engineering 2D, Engineering 3D, and Science/GiD... I suggest to first check the corresponding User's Manual (I assume you have already proceeeded through the corresponding Tutorial example).

2. If you seek help with your particular modelling, please follow Troubleshooting, 2.1.1 to send us your model along with sketches/photos + explanation of what you are modelling, including any graphs or similar illustrating what you do not like/find suspitious.

My blind guess: unsymmetrical localization can occur even for a (nominally) symmetrical setup, in nonlinear FEM analysis essentially the same way as in a real experiment.
