Topic: Pull-out with bond modeled Mode Code 90
Dear all,
I have modelled (on ATENA-Engineering 2d v. a pull-out experiment with bond modelled. I have used 2 user-defined bond law and it works quite good.
But, when I used the model CEB FIB Model Code 1990 of the program, it gives a strange diagram. The shape of the ascending branch is not regular instead, it changes in 2 points before the constant brunch at the peak resistance, as modelled.
During the modelling, I've read and followed the recommendation on the ATENA-Troubleshooting 2.2.11 and 2.2.12; ATENA-Engineering-2D User manual 2.12.
If you prefer, please have a view of my ATENA file, the output diagram: … sp=sharing
Best regards,