Topic: What does this error mean regarding the A3Run_1.dll file?

What does this error mean?
An internal error has occured. Error identification follows:
-ID: Winthread.pas/TBsThread_ThreadProc - unhandled EOIeException (Onherstelbare fout)/17
-Module: H:\AtenaV5\A3Run_1.dll

Here "Onherstelbare fout" is dutch for irreversible error and this happened after 3 out of 40 steps (all three requiring many iterations, 20 or higher to converge). Does anyone know what may cause this, a similar problem also occurs when trying the 3d shear beam example.

Re: What does this error mean regarding the A3Run_1.dll file?

It appears your installation maybe damaged or you are running the analysis on a disk with insufficient memory. Try to copy the file to a disk with sufficient space before running it.