Topic: Exporting and Importing a .cct file in ATENA 3D

Hallo Dobromil,

Could you please help in how to export and import .cct files using ATENA 3D and GiD.

best regards

Re: Exporting and Importing a .cct file in ATENA 3D

AFAIK, cct is a format of ATENA 2D (and SARA 2D) only, not supoported by ATENA 3D nor GiD. Why do you ask?

Re: Exporting and Importing a .cct file in ATENA 3D

Hallo Dobromil,

I ment something similiar to that file extension but in 3D.
Sometimes it is convenient to work with this file to have a look at the inputs.
For me it is also convenient to built the 3D structure using GiD and to export the input file, so as one run the analysis and Postprocessing using ATENA 3D.


Re: Exporting and Importing a .cct file in ATENA 3D

Hello, running an .inp file from GiD in ATENA 3D is not very effective (no monitors displayed, much slower compared to AtenaConsole), I would recommend to run the analysis in AtenaConsole and always import the last finished step into ATENA 3D for postprocessing.

When working with Egr 3D or Sci, you can easily see/modify the whole .inp file (unlike Egr 2D where you need to copy-past the part for each analysis step separately). If you like to check (or set) the mesh generation parameters in a text way, you can capture the t3d mesh generator commands from ATENA 3D (involves a trick of copying temporary files) and replace the generated elements in the .inp file by the mesh generation commands. However, this procedure only makes sense if you need to randomize the geometry or a similar rare situation.

Re: Exporting and Importing a .cct file in ATENA 3D

this was helpfull

thank you very much