Topic: Load deflection graph
Dear sir, i am analyzing a beam to find out the load-deflection of the analysis. In my case, I located only 1 monitor points at the bottom midspan of the beam. Then during analysis, at the graph selection box, i chose the x: (the monitored points which i selected displacement) y axis: step/iteration (default). is this correct?
As i read your replies, saying that 2 monitor points need to be selected. 1 which is the displacement and another for the load. If it applies to my analysis, I located 1 monitor points at the bottom midspan of the beam (for displacement). Where shall I located the 2nd monitor point in order to find the load/force? whereby i can get the load-displacement graph? Is the step/iteration in the Y axis similar to the monitored points :load ?
Another question, Im not sure about this; in the load-displacement graph, after it reaches the highest load and start to fail , usually the load will tend to derease with increase in delfection. But what happens here is vice versa. The load at constant with a decrease in displacement (instead of dropping towards the bigger deflection but drop backwords towards the decreass in deflection) Hope you understand what i mean
(I am using atena 2d)