Dear Mr. Lastunen,
I am not sure if I understand what is your problem - first of all, if you need to run thermal analysis, you need ATENA Science. If you only need to model the static behavior of the structure with the insulation (possibly with a simple temperature load - more or less this is limited to prescribing a constant temperature that can cause some strains due to the thermal expansion coeff. alpha), you can use ATENA Engineereing (2D or 3D).
I assume you have tried normal brick/quad or tetrahedra/triangular elements and some elastic material with low stiffness (elastic modulus) - what was the problem with the results (e.g., OK in tension/compression but too stiff in shear or vice versa)?
I think the most effective way is to send us your model to the support email (cervenka@...).
Best regards.