Topic: monitor points defined in GiD and examined in ATENA 3D

Dear Sir,

I have a problem about the monitor results. I set up the model in GiD, and then imported the created inp file to ATENA 3D for calculation. But I can’t find any information about the defined monitor point during running process or in the postprocess in ATENA3D. But If I just use AtenWin to analyze the model built in GiD, the monitor points’ results can be found. My question is if the monitor information defined in GiD cannot be recognized by ATENA3D although the monitor definition is included in the inp file. Since I prefer to build up models in GiD and look at results in ATENA postprocess , I’d like to make sure this point with you. Thank you.


Re: monitor points defined in GiD and examined in ATENA 3D

Dear Teresa, I am afraid ATENA Engineering 3D users a special naming convention for it monitors, and it only recognizes monitors defined in the ATENA 3D Preprocessor. Please use AtenaWin (or AtenaConsole) to extract monitor values from models created in GiD or any other way.

Re: monitor points defined in GiD and examined in ATENA 3D

Dear Sir,

It is OK. Thank you!
