1 (edited by Soe 2010-04-29 09:43:06)

Topic: Error message: "External exception E06D7363"


I recieved the following error message "External exception E06D7363" in the post-processor. It appears after my first selection of Results (as I press "3D Layer 0"). I wonder if anyone knows what might be causing this message. After pressing "OK" on the message, Scalars (iso-areas) on my model will not appear.

Thanks in advance!

Re: Error message: "External exception E06D7363"

Could you reproduce the problem if you delete all the step results except the single step you can not display? Please send us the model.

3 (edited by ischols 2012-03-08 11:37:47)

Re: Error message: "External exception E06D7363"

dpryl wrote:

Could you reproduce the problem if you delete all the step results except the single step you can not display? Please send us the model.

Hi there,
I have the same problem and I don't know what causes the trouble. How can I sent you the model?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
Ivar Schols

--> Problem solved, I checked my model and discovered a sign-mistake in a power function which caused the prescribed displacement to be too large a factor 10^6