A little background:
The CEB and Bigaj bond models in ATENA are in fact generators of multilinear stress-slip laws, which are then used by the ATENA kernel.
I would suggest the following workflow:
1. generate the initial bond law using one of the models in ATENA (or one that is close to it)
2. export the .inp file from the GUE (Data - Save INP files - Together in ATENA 3D or ATENA - Create .inp only in GiD; in ATENA 2D, you have to activate the "Enable input file editting before starting FE analysis" function and check the "Edit ATENA analysis input file" box and then copy the contents of the edit window)
3. open the file in an editor (Notepad is enough), find the bond law function (modify it if the exact one could not be generated), copy it before the step when it should change, and edit the copy
4. run the analysis from the .inp file (in ATENA 3D, File - Open other - Analysis control file, or using AtenaWin or AtenaConsole)
And, of course, we are prepared to help you.