Topic: defining new material using CC3DNonLinCementitious2User

I am new to this software.I have a doubt.Can I use the stress -strain values directly to define compression or tension behaviour of concrete while defining new material using CC3DNonLinCementitious2User ?..Whether I have to follow the function given in the theory manual?

Re: defining new material using CC3DNonLinCementitious2User

Hello, please see ATENA Troubleshooting, 2.2.4 I want to use the user-defined stress-strain law of concrete to replace that used in ATENA program. How can I do it?

Re: defining new material using CC3DNonLinCementitious2User

I  have gone through the manual and downloaded the spread sheet given.But it did not saying about the compression function.How can I choose  the value for Lc in the function given in the theory?

Re: defining new material using CC3DNonLinCementitious2User

The characteristic size works the same way for tension and compression, see 2.2.4 I want to use the user-defined stress-strain law of concrete to replace that used in ATENA program. How can I do it?, point 1. How to get "l_ch"? Is it the crack band size?
Or do you ask about some other parameter?

When defining your compression function, please also keep in mind point 10. Is the plastic compressive strain ε pl calculated by subtracting the elastic strain from
the total strain?

Re: defining new material using CC3DNonLinCementitious2User

I am not asking about Lch..I am asking about Crush band size(Lc).whether i need to enter the value for Lc??
Also i didnt understand the point 10 as you mentioned in the reply.What is total strain?

Re: defining new material using CC3DNonLinCementitious2User

The crush band size works analogically to crack band size (see Theory, 2.1.3 Localization Limiters and 2.2.3 Rankine-Fracturing Model for Concrete Cracking), and there is no way to enter it.

In short, total strain eps = elastic strain eps_el + plastic strain eps_pl + fracturing strain eps_fr.