Topic: Use of ATENA Studio


I have run my model in ATENA Studio and I was able to view the results immediately after the analysis was complete. However, when I reopen the project file or results files, only the "output" tab which includes the error and number of iterations, etc., show on the screen.

How should I load existing results back into ATENA Studio after they were created in ATENA Studio?

The side bar on the right says that the model is not loaded after I have opened the project.

Thank you,


Re: Use of ATENA Studio

Hello Roya,
it is not clear from your question

1. if you have stored the results from any calculated steps (which is set in Interval Data or following Troubleshooting,

2. if you have switched in Postprocessor?


Re: Use of ATENA Studio

Thank you, sir. I did miss that part: having each step saved individually from the Step Manager.